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Rancher Installation

This is a follow up to "RKE2 Ansible Installation" and assumes you're working on an RKE2 cluster similar to the one set up in that document.

Example commands and configs are for 3 masters, 3 workers and an additional jump node all running Ubuntu.

Example topology:

Name IP
  1. ssh into the jump machine

    ssh root@

    Enter the ssh password when prompted

  2. Install kubectl if it's not already installed

    sudo snap install kubectl --classic
  3. Make sure we're using the correct kubeconfig

    export KUBECONFIG=~/rke2.yaml
  4. Confirm that our nodes and pods are correct and health

    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    kubectl get pods -A

Install Rancher on the RKE2 cluster

  1. Install Helm

    sudo snap install helm --classic
  2. Add Helm chart repository (used latest here, can be latest, stable or alpha)

    helm repo add rancher-latest
  3. Create a namespace for Rancher

    kubectl create namespace cattle-system

Using Rancher-Generated TLS Cert

  1. Install cert-manager (needed if using Rancher-generated TLS cert or Let’s Encrypt)

    kubectl apply -f
    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --create-namespace \
    --version v1.11.0
  2. Verify that cert-manager is deployed correctly

    kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
  3. Install Rancher with Helm

    helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
      --namespace cattle-system \
      --set \
      --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
      --set global.cattle.psp.enabled=false
    • hostname should be the DNS name you pointed at your load balancer for the worker nodes, can be added to the ip if there’s no DNS name

    • global.cattle.psp.enabled is set to false due to the rancher helm chart requiring the deprecated podsecuritypolicy

    Save the --set options used here, you will need to use the same options when you upgrade Rancher to new versions with Helm.

  4. Wait for Rancher to be rolled out

    watch kubectl -n cattle-system get pods
  5. In a web browser navigate to the DNS name that points to your load balancer (ex:, you should see the login page

Using your own Certs

Formatting Certs

It can cause complications while editing files on a machine running some form of Windows and uploading them to a Linux server. Windows-based text editors put special characters at the end of lines to denote a line return or newline. There is a simple way to correct this problem.

  • Install dos2unix and execute the command to convert line endings from DOS to Unix

    sudo apt install -y dos2unix
    dos2unix /path/to/file/<file-name>
  • Windows servers use .pfx files which contain the public and private key. However, this can also be converted to .pem files to be used on Linux server

    openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out tls.key -nodes
    openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nokeys -out tls.crt

Validating Certs

Before you set up your certificates, it's a good idea to test them to ensure that they are correct and will work together.

  1. Check to see if the private key and main certificate are in PEM format. openssl must be installed

    sudo apt install openssl -y
    openssl rsa -inform PEM -in /path/to/key/tls.key
    openssl x509 -inform PEM -in /path/to/cert/tls.crt
  2. Verify that the private key and main certificate match

    openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in tls.crt | openssl md5
    openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in tls.key | openssl md5
    ## The output of these two commands should be the same.
  3. Verify that the public keys contained in the private key file and the main certificate are the same

    openssl x509 -in tls.crt -noout -pubkey
    openssl rsa -in tls.key -pubout
    ## The output of these two commands should be the same.
  4. Check the validty of certificate chain

    openssl verify -CAfile cacerts.pem tls.crt
    # Response must be OK.
  5. Check if Subject Alternative Names contains Common Name

Subject Alternative Name must contains the same value of the CN. If it does not, the certificate is not valid because the industry moves away from CN

openssl x509 -noout -subject -in tls.crt
# subject= /CN=<>
openssl x509 -noout -in tls.crt -text | grep DNS
# DNS:<>

Create Secrets and Install

  1. Create tls-ca secret with your private CA's root certificate

    kubectl -n cattle-system create secret generic tls-ca \
  2. Create cert and key secrets

    kubectl -n cattle-system create secret tls tls-rancher-ingress \
        --cert=tls.crt \
  3. Install Rancher with Helm

    helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
        --namespace cattle-system \
        --set \
        --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
        --set global.cattle.psp.enabled=false \
        --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
        --set privateCA=true
    • hostname should be the DNS name you pointed at your load balancer for the worker nodes, can be added to the ip if there’s no DNS name

    • global.cattle.psp.enabled is set to false due to the rancher helm chart requiring the deprecated podsecuritypolicy

    Save the --set options used here, you will need to use the same options when you upgrade Rancher to new versions with Helm.


  1. ssh into the Jump machine

    ssh root@
  2. Make sure we're using the correct kubeconfig

    export KUBECONFIG=~/rke2.yaml
  3. Remove Rancher using helm

    helm uninstall rancher -n cattle-system
  4. Remove Helm repositories

    helm repo remove jetstack
    helm repo remove rancher-latest

    Change rancher-latest with the version you used while installing (ex: stable, alpha)

  5. Remove Helm

    sudo snap remove helm