
Command Explanation Usage
push Pushing is the process of sending local commits to a remote repository. git push origin branch_name
pull Pulling is the process of fetching and merging remote changes into the local repository. git pull origin branch_name
add . Adds all modified and new files to the staging area. git add .
add Adds a specific file to the staging area. git add file_name
commit A commit is a snapshot of changes made to the repository. git commit -m "Commit message"
init Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. git init
log Log displays the commit history of the repository. git log
status Status shows the current state of the repository. git status
branch A branch is a separate line of development within a repository. git branch branch_name
merge Merging combines changes from different branches into a single branch. git merge branch_name
revert Revert creates a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit. git revert commit_hash
reset Reset moves the current branch pointer to a specific commit, potentially discarding commits. git reset commit_hash
rm / remove Removes a file from the repository and the working directory. git rm file_name
mv / move Renames or moves a file or directory within the repository. git mv old_file_name new_file_name
clone Cloning creates a local copy of a remote repository. git clone repository_url
echo Echo prints a message or value to the terminal or a file. echo "Hello, World!"
touch Touch creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file. touch file_name
ls / list List displays the files and directories in the current directory. ls or list
cat Cat displays the contents of a file. cat file_name
diff Diff shows the differences between different versions of files. git diff
checkout Checkout allows you to switch between branches or restore files from previous commits. git checkout branch_name
.gitignore A .gitignore file specifies files and patterns to be ignored by Git. Create a .gitignore file and list files/patterns to ignore
repository A repository is a location where Git stores all the files, history, and changes for a project. git init
fork Forking creates a copy of a repository under your GitHub account. Click on the "Fork" button in the GitHub UI
pull request A pull request proposes changes from a forked repository to the original repository. Create a pull request through the GitHub UI
PR (Pull Request) PR is an abbreviation for pull request. Use the term "PR" interchangeably with "pull request"
master Master is the default branch in Git. The initial branch created in a repository (commonly used)
config Config sets configuration options for Git. git config --global "Your Name"
remote Remote refers to a remote repository, typically on a server. git remote add origin repository_url
stash Stash temporarily saves local modifications for later use. git stash save "Stash message"
pop Pop applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stash list. git stash pop
reflog Reflog shows a log of all reference updates in the repository. git reflog
Action Explanation Usage
Create and Switch to New Branch Creates a new branch and switches to it. git checkout -b <branch>
Merge Branch into Main Branch Merges changes from a feature branch into the main branch. git checkout <main_branch>
git merge <feature_branch>
Rebase Branch onto Main Branch Updates the feature branch with the latest changes from the main branch. git checkout <feature_branch>
git rebase <main_branch>
Interactive Rebase Allows interactive modification, reordering, or squashing of commits. git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits>
Revert a Commit Creates a new commit that undoes the changes from a specific commit. git revert <commit_hash>
Undo Last Commit (Keep Changes) Moves the branch pointer back one commit, keeping changes in the staging area. git reset --soft HEAD~1
Discard Last Commit (Lose Changes) Moves the branch pointer back one commit, discarding changes in the working directory and staging area. git reset --hard HEAD~1